
When you hike down a waterfall creek and your husband documents the whole adventure…

Play doesn’t come naturally for me. I’ve always taken life so seriously - probably to my own detriment. Even as a mom it can be challenging to get in on all the fun and action with my kids. I’m often content to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else play, confident I'm checking the right boxes by giving them a good time.

But as I grow and our kids grow I’m realizing the beauty and importance of joining in on the fun and delight with my kids - now - today. After all, what else am I waiting for? We don't get do-overs. These days are so special. Even if the water is freezing, the rocks are slimy and there's probably spiders - I'm going all in. And turns out, when I let myself embrace it, it’s actually a lot of fun. I’m realizing I actually like doing these things too.

So moms, put on your bathing suit, your kids don't care how you look in it, they care that you get your hair wet and play Marco Polo with them. Your hair will dry but the memories will be with you for the rest of your lives.

These are the longest days and the shortest years. Our oldest turned 15 this week. It really is flying by. All the people who’ve told me this over the years - well, turns out they were right. Let's live today well as long as it’s called today! Love well and be all in on the fun with those you’re doing life with. 

Kellie Haddock