Love never fails. Except when it does.

Don't get me wrong, I love Hobby Lobby and all the little signs they sell. I typically want one of everything when I walk through the store. But this particular metal sign grabbed my attention. The phrase, 'Love Never Fails' is so familiar but I've never really questioned it before. Do I agree? The simple answer is no. I fail people I love all the time. The love in me, no matter how good my intentions might be, will inevitably let others down. It even lets myself down. Love in and of itself most definitely fails. It's finite. It's shared in, through and for broken vessels - ourselves. I think the fragility and vulnerability of love is part of what makes it beautiful and multi-facited. But infallible is not something I would link to it. On the other hand, I do believe there is a greater love that is supreme to the love we bear in and of ourselves. God's Love transcends anything we are capable of offering and exchanging. This Love I would say, truly does NEVER fail. When it's His love we allow to flow through us and it's His love that is exchanged - it IS infallible. His love covers a multitude of things and knows no bounds. It runs deep and wide and is even large enough to cover my own feeble attempts of love. This is a good thing because I rely on that covering, that particular grace and understanding So my dear friends, do not be alarmed or discouraged by the failings of your own ability to love. Rest in the sweet assurance that there is a greater Love you are invited into that never fails and it has you perfectly covered and atoned. #love #wildlove #hope


Kellie Haddock